Our Programs for Young Learners of Management and Business Skills

Once, we complete our educational qualifications, and we decide to enter the arena of job or business environment, there is a need of transformation of a student into a professional. We have lot of knowledge but now arises the need for wisdom. It is about the need to execute the learnt information into practical life. Management concepts and definitions are in place and now is the time to put it in action!

We aim to focus on the holistic development of individuals by enhancing their life skills & soft skills. We believe in positively affecting our team members by inspiring them in their personal, social & professional environments. In doing so, we renew their respect for themselves and for each other, and give them a new take on their values, beliefs & perception. The crafted activities & developed interesting modules make learning easy & more fun while enabling the participants to unleash their potential.

We include indispensable skills like corporate communication, email etiquette, handling angry clients, time management, work life balance, functional english and decision making skills. Handling our staff and team members is a very important aspect of running a business house. Managing interpersonal and social interaction with colleagues, whether as a part of a job environment or a businessman, is taken up with utmost importance. It is all about bridging the gap between the information in books and actually chairing the responsibility in real work life.

We have psychology based assessment questionnaires which makes us understand our strengths and areas to be strengthened. Our ‘manager special’ questionnaires offer a clarity of our managerial skills and hence better the same. Our personality assessment questionnaires assists them to get face to face with their inner self which at times they camouflage under the social pressures and demands of the work environment.

We also offer customized programs as per one's need that brings about positive attitudinal shifts in the personality. We can make a tailor made module after meeting and interviewing a participant to decide the special skills and work requirements.

Program for our young learners who are at the doorstep of a job or a business house:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Motivation
  • ‘Train The Trainer’ for training the team members further as required
  • Stress Management
  • Sales and Marketing Skills
  • Customer Handling Skills
  • Psychological Assessment to allow them to discover their strengths and areas yo be strengthened personally and professionally
  • Corporate Communication
  • Functional English
  • Email Etiquette
  • Anger Management
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Time Management
  • Power Dressing
  • Business Etiquette
  • Being a leader and a team member in sync
  • Loving the work you do
  • Balancing between the traditional concepts and newly conceived modern ideas